Vizio Remote Control VUR10_3D

Sale price$99.99


This remote can be substituted with XRV1TV 3D, XRT301 or XRT303. However, they are not perfect substitutes so some buttons/features may not work. Additionally, we recommend updating your television to the latest firmware. For TV Models:XVT3D424SV XVT3D474SV XVT3D554SV XVT3D580CM XVT3D650SV For S/Ns:LASPJFAL LAPPJFAL LASPGQAL LASPGQAM LAPPGQAL LASPGQBL LASPGQBM LAPPGQBL LASPGPAL LASPGPAM LAPPGPAL LAPPGPAM LASPGPBL LASPGPBM LAPPGPBL LAPPGPBM LAUAJOAL LAUAJOAM LAQAJOAM

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